ICT unbounded, Social Impact of Bright ICT Adoption (Acra, Ghana, 2019)
More details of the conference can be found on the Conference website
Working Conference on Smart working, living and organizing (2018), Portsmouth, UK.
The aim of the event was to progress our understanding of the plethora of new technologies that are being adopted everyday by individuals, organisations, sectors and society in order to better understand the human aspects of living and organising with these technologies. In particular, we called for research from different contexts and walks of life to understand the adoption and organising principles of emerging smart devices and technologies in smart homes, smart cars, smart phones, smart government, smart cities and smart organisations. Who is becoming smart and what are they becoming smart about? Who are the “winners and losers” and what role does technology play? How are emerging technologies adopted and appropriated in everyday life and what impact are they exerting?
The Proceedings of the workshop have now been published as a book by Springer.
Re-Imagining Diffusion of Information Technology and Systems: Opportunities and Risks (Guimaraes, Portugal)
In recent years, the Working Group's original focus, on technology diffusion and adoption, has been overtaken by myriad technical developments: the social media, mobile computing, cloud computing, agile methods, and so on. The cycle of innovation has sped up, with profound impacts on the way organizations and societies engage with transfer and diffusion of IT systems within and between organizations, in interactions with customers, and throughout society in general. At our 2016 gathering, we discussed the evolution of the field and whether the time was right to identify and discuss emerging trends for a new agenda, one that is consistent with our original mission but adapted to today’s viral diffusion environment.
A copy of the Proceedings may be found here.
Diffusion of IS for Learning New Practices
The theme of this working conference was to discuss the use of IS for learning and transforming practices. Organizations increasingly introduce learning initiatives for continuous competence development and organizational transformation in order to stay competitive and to have competent professionals at the core of their performance. Many of the challenges for learning and competent action are related to diffusion, adoption and implementation of various forms of IT and information systems. Learning and change are fundamental issues to be investigated in order to keep in pace with competitiveness in a way that is attractive for both the individual employee and the organization as a whole.
Creating Values for All Through IT
The theme of this event was intended to encourage researchers to reflect on future technologies that create value by transferring and diffusing new functionality, features and capability, in new forms, and to larger groups of users and customers
Grand Successes and Failures in IT: Private and Public Sectors
Given the persistent problem of failure of information systems initiatives, it is clearly important to further our understanding of why some projects/systems are successful while others fail, and above all to promote awareness and understanding of this “evidence-base” in the working practices of managers and policy-makers. The aim of this conference is to help move forward our understanding of the success and failure of technology-based innovation and on the factors influencing the uptake of research knowledge in the practitioner community. The first objective is to broaden the theoretical base. It is arguable that some theories, such as diffusion theory and the ubiquitous TAM, have been “over-represented” in our work, and therefore critical papers presenting and illustrating alternative conceptual lenses and standpoints (particularly theories and frameworks focused on organisational and societal issues) would be welcome. Extending the variety of research methodologies is another area where innovation could help to assist progress in better understanding the issues with which we deal. Finally, there are organisational and sectoral contexts that have also been relatively neglected. The bulk of our work has concentrated on commercial enterprises, yet the degree of contemporary IT-enabled change in the non-profit sectors is at least as great and the challenges arguably stiffer given the complexity of public services.
Governance and Sustainability in Information Systems - Managing the Transfer and Diffusion of IT, Working Conference, Hamburg, Germany, September 22-24, 2011.
Today, organizations act in globalized and competitive markets where information technology is the backbone of almost all distributed business processes. Therefore, products and services are increasingly affected by aspects of governance, risk and compliance in information systems. Managing information systems needs to take into account these issues to achieve a sustainable use and adoption of information technology. IFIP 8.6 Conference 2011 aims at promoting scientific and practical excellence on aspects of transfer and diffusion of information technology and invites academics and practitioners to enhance the knowledge base. The conference will feature an exciting program that, in addition to the regular paper tracks, will also host a number of other activities and events, including keynotes, panels and a doctoral symposium.
Human Benefit through the Diffusion of IS Design Science Research, Working Conference, Perth, Australia, 30 March-4 April 2010 (joint with WG 8.2).
Design Science Research (DSR) is a research area and approach that has recently received much attention in Information Systems. DSR has become a new way of creating and studying phenomena, where the understanding comes from building solutions to problems, and is touted as a means for the IS field to improve its relevance. However, design (and DSR) is informed by organisational and societal needs, is conducted in an organisational and societal environment, is diffused and adopted into various different organisational and societal settings, has organisational and societal consequences, and is (ideally) evaluated for how well it works and solves problems in the real (organisational and societal) world. Adoption and diffusion is particularly important to the success of DSR due to the complex interactions of design artifacts with social and organizational contexts. Importantly, the choice of goals and problems addressed by DSR and who is entitled to make those choices is seminal and should be examined critically. DSR Research cannot ignore these concerns.
IFIP 8.6 Conference 2008 in Madrid
The 11th Working Conference of IFIP WG 8.6, Open-IT Based Innovation: Moving Towards Cooperative IT Transfer and Knowledge Diffusion, organized in Madrid in October 22–24, 2008, follows the series started in Oslo in 1995 and continues in the footprints of the past year’s conference in Manchester. This year, although the Madrid Conference addresses the usual topics covered in previous WG8.6 conferences, the emphasis is on the issue of open innovation and its relationships with technology transfer and diffusion in the field of information technology. This issue is deeply modifying the way that knowledge is generated, shared, transferred, diffused, and used across the world as a side effect of globalization. Although the concept applies to all industrial sectors, IT companies were early innovators.
IFIP 8.6 Conference 2007 in Manchester
Although significant progress has been made, aided by academic colloquia such as IFIP WG8.6, technological innovation continues to be problematic for many organisations, with the rate of failure of IS/IT projects remaining stubbornly high. It is clearly important to understand why some innovation efforts are successful while others fail – why the same technology that “diffuses” in one context meets only resistance and rejection in others!
The aim of this conference is to help move forward our understanding of the organisational dynamics of technology-based innovation by diversifying the research agenda in three general areas: theoretical perspectives, methodologies, and organisational sectors.
More information at the conference website. Read more..
The transfer and diffusion of IT for organizational resilience
Galway, Ireland, June 7 - 10 2006
Issues such as IT organisational design, social networking, diversity, improvisation, and rich media are likely to advance our understanding of resilience in this context, and account for an organisation’s need to sustain innovation.
Business Agility and IT Diffusion - IFIP TC 8 WG 8.6 International Working Conference
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 8 - 11 May 2005
The conference aims to cover information systems and technology issues, as well as well as organizational and managerial issues, related to agility and IT diffusion. A number of possible perspectives are identified below, although contributions beyond these examples were also considered. Along with traditional papers, the conference will have case studies, practitioner “best practice” presentations, and poster sessions.
IT Innovation Conference
Leixlip, Co.Kildare, Ireland. May 30 - June 2, 2004
The conference focus is on the emerging discipline of IT Innovation and how it is emerging as a key tool in organizational and business transformation.
In an increasingly digital age, sustainability and profitability will increasingly be determined by Innovation enabled by Information Technology.
The diffusion and adoption of networked information technologies
October 6 - 8, Copenhagen, Denmark
This working conference seeks to bring together academics and practioners that study networked information systems from a diffusion and adoption point of view to create a forum of mutual learning and exchange of ideas
The Adoption and Diffusion of IT in an Environment Critical Change
August 1-3, Sydney, Australia.
The theme of this WG8.6 Conference reflects the current imperatives for organisations to adopt, develop and implement IT in support of dynamic organisational requirements, an environment of rapid technological change and structural transformation of industry. Read more..
Diffusing Software Product and Process Innovations
April 7-10, Banff, Canada.
This working conference will forge ties among groups interested in the diffusion of innovations, but also open to all interested in the diffusion topic.
Information Systems: Current Issues and Future Changes
December 10-13, Helsinki, Filand
The working conference objective is to present practical and theoretical frameworks that may explore the many-faceted nature of IS/IT-related change. Of special value is the coupling among theoretical thinking, effects exploration, and practical managerial guidelines. Read more..
Facilitating Technology Transfer Through Partnership
June 25-27, Ambleside, UK.
This conference is hold on the theme of partnership and technology transfer in the I.T. context. Read more..
Diffusion and Adoption of IT
October 14-17, Oslo, Norway.
The new IFIP Working Group 8.6 organized its first working conference on the theme of Diffusion and Adoption of IT. IT is playing an increasingly important role in many organizations, sectors and countries. There are still many problems in the practical adoption of the technology, and one does often not achieve the expected results with IT